In my previous post, I wrote about my multi-container setup with docker-compose. One of the benefits of docker-compose is that it makes it easy to scale; for example, to scale the web service, you can simply run:

$ docker-compose up -d --scale web=2

If the web service is currently running 1 container, docker-compose will spin up an additional one. If you have nginx fronting the web service (like in my setup), we’d expect nginx to round-robin requests between the two web containers, right?

Let’s check it for ourselves. Recall how the nginx config looks like:

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {

        proxy_pass http://flaskapp:5090;

where flaskapp is the service name in docker-compose.yml. Docker’s embedded DNS server resolves the service name to the actual container IPs. It implements DNS round-robin, so a client sees the list of IPs shuffled each time it resolves the service name. Let’s confirm this. Assuming 11d3838afca6c is the nginx container id:

$ docker exec -it 11d3838afca6 /bin/bash

root@11d3838afca6:/# dig +short flaskapp
root@11d3838afca6:/# dig +short flaskapp

Cool, that works. Now, let’s run some curl requests to make sure that the HTTP requests made via nginx are indeed round-robined across the 2 containers:

$ for i in `seq 5`
> do
> curl -s -o /dev/null localhost:8080
> done

$ docker-compose logs -f flaskapp

flaskapp_1  | - - [26/Sep/2017 06:56:03] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_1  | - - [26/Sep/2017 06:56:03] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_1  | - - [26/Sep/2017 06:56:03] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_1  | - - [26/Sep/2017 06:56:03] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_1  | - - [26/Sep/2017 06:56:03] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -

Wait, what!? All requests seem to be going to flaskapp_1 ! Turns out nginx caches DNS resolutions until the next reload. This excellent post goes into detail about how this works and suggests some workarounds.

The Workaround

TL;DR of the blog post mentioned - if you want to avoid a hefty $2000 per instance license for NGINX Plus, write your configuration like this:

set $backends flaskapp
location / {
    proxy_pass http://$backends:5090;

Note that is the IP of Docker’s embedded DNS server. Using variables forces resolution through a resolver which we point at the embedded DNS server.

The resulting request distribution looks much more equitable now:

flaskapp_1  | - - [27/Sep/2017 04:52:08] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_2  | - - [27/Sep/2017 04:52:08] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_1  | - - [27/Sep/2017 04:52:08] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_2  | - - [27/Sep/2017 04:52:08] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
flaskapp_1  | - - [27/Sep/2017 04:52:08] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 -

Can we do better?

Like all workarounds, there are drawbacks to the above approach. Sine we can’t specify an upstream block, we lose all the nice features provided by nginx’s upstream module like load-balancing policies, weights and health checks.

If we could somehow update the upstream list dynamically as docker adds/removes containers, then reload nginx on the fly, we could have the best of both worlds. Docker provides a handy event stream that we can hook into and listen for container lifecycle events. There are tools out there that already do this, which leads me to my disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER: The following section talks about a python script I wrote merely for learning purposes. It is not production-quality code and serious deployments should use widely-used tools like traefik and nginx-proxy

With that out of the way, let’s start by installing the docker python sdk:

pip install docker

We want to listen for container lifecycle events, so let’s start with a skeleton to capture those:

event_filters = {'type': 'container'}
for event in, decode=True):
    if event['status'] == 'start':
        # update container list and reload nginx
    elif event['status'] == 'stop':
        # update container list and reload nginx

But this captures events for all containers managed by our system Docker. We only want to capture container events for our web service. One way could be to filter by container name - as of version 1.14.0 of docker-compose, container names seem to follow a format of $project_$service_$index, so if we have 2 containers of the flaskapp service in a project called myproj, they would have names myproj_flaskapp_1 and myproj_flaskapp_2. However, relying on implementation details seems wrong; there must be a better way.

Introducing labels

Labels are key-value metadata that can be attached to Docker objects including containers, images and even networks. If we annotate services with custom labels, we can reliably identify them from the event stream. Let’s add a label to our nginx and flaskapp services in docker-compose.yml (for the full docker-compose.yml, refer to my previous post):

    com.ameyalokare.type: web
    com.ameyalokare.type: nginx

Now we can update the event_filters to include a label:

event_filters = {'type': 'container', 'label': 'com.ameyalokare.type=web'}

Finding the list of upstream container IPs

Our python script needs to maintain a list of currently running web containers, and if this list changes, we’ll reload nginx. Let’s use a dict mapping container_ids to container_objects for this:

web_servers = {}
event_filters = {'type': 'container', 'label': 'com.ameyalokare.type=web'}
for event in, decode=True):
    if event['status'] == 'start':
        web_servers[event['id']] = client.containers.get(event['id'])
    elif event['status'] == 'stop':
        del web_servers[event['id']]
    print "Received {} event for container {}".format(event['status'], event['id'])
    # update_config_and_reload_nginx(client, web_servers)

Great, so now all we need to do is render the list of container IPs in the nginx upstream block and reload it. Turns out, getting the IP from a Container object is not exactly intuitive. There is no ip property or getIP() method, and even then a container could have multiple IPs since it can be connected to multiple networks. The best way I could find was to traverse the attrs property:

ip = container.attrs['NetworkSettings']['Networks']['web_nw']['IPAddress']

where web_nw is the user-defined network that both nginx and the web containers are connected to.

We can now render these IPs into an nginx config using our favorite templating framework like jinja2 I’m lazy so I just rolled my own with str.replace() 😁

Reloading nginx

Reloading nginx after changing the config turns out to be trivial. We simply need to send it a SIGHUP:

nginx_containers = client.containers.list(filters={'label' : args.nginx_label, 'status': 'running'})
for container in nginx_containers:


Deploying nginx in a dynamic container environment takes a little work, especially if you don’t want to pay the big bucks for NGINX Plus. I wrote a low-tech python script for learning how things work under the hood; find it on my Github. There are open-source reverse-proxy solutions that are built specifically for container environments, like traefik. Traefik obviates the need for nginx altogether, but if you still want to run nginx, consider nginx-proxy.